
Free download besiege steam
Free download besiege steam

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They will upgrade their defensive buildings to prevent the machine and the soldiers. Whenever you are in attack, Enemies won’t let you win easily. Even a little mistake can cause you lose. Apparently details aren’t so important but it’s not like that.

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Pay some money to repair it and get ready for next wars. Whenever you came back from a battle, Fortress needs to be repaired. Of course it’s about you to r egularize soldiers, But don’t forget to send archers at the end. If you were able to enter enemy’s castle, disembark troops by types.Ĭavalries should go at first, Because their armors are stronger than the others. Also the troops fight with classic weapons like sword and spear. The game is in medieval ages, So don’t expect a modern machine. Refer to the store and buy what is needed for building main fortress. Some money will be added to your account. For purchasing these items, You should complete the first levels successfully. Getting success fully depends on player’s sketching.Ĭreating a huge machine like this, Needs some expensive equipment. Build Fortresses to attack enemies.Īfter designing your main fortress, Put the troops inside it. Besiege is a Simulation and Physics based Building game for PC published by Spiderling Studios in 2015.

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